here's a few songs to insire all you fools that be late to the polls
Lagwagon - Freedom of Choice
Sly Stone - If It Were Left Up To Me
Tea Leaf Green - Vote On Tuesday
Minutemen - Fortunate Son
Lloyd Cole - The Young Idealists
( Napster's Free Download Of The Day)
Dixie Chicks -Truth No. 2
Dixie Chicks w/ James Taylor - Shower The People
Supposedly Republicans are taking a licking in some previously "safe" districts...
All I know is that this country and planet have taken a licking for way too many years...and that ain't safe.
and here in California, the right is still grabbing power, mostly through bogus initiatives that play to people's fears and powerlessness, then entrap them in even worse scenarios than alreay exist.
Michael Brook's - "
Election"(192 kbs instrumental MP3, from the Inconvienent Truth Soundtrack)
An Inconvenient Truth - Soundtrack
Michael Brook
bigHelium/Canadian Rational
Buy at iTunes Music Store
Buy at Napster
Buy at RealNetworks / Rhapsody
Buy at eMusic
Of course, as the clock ticks down...
The folks at Fox News have been claiming that Republican pariah Dick Cheney wasn't on the campaign trail because of his confidence in the results that will turn up after all the voting hub bub is over. Hmm, interesting theory.
Maybe uncle Dick knows something voters do not...
Either something sinister about all those deeply flawed e-voting machines and how Republicans automatically can't lose...
or even that Dick, like all political vampires, just knows not to be seen in the light of election day...lest he strike terror in he hearts of men... a heart that he's barely holding onto as it is...
Fox has speculated Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist is not appearing with President Bush at a campaign rally is "so he can hit other cities." None of the anchors mentioned the fact that Bush has a lower than 30% approval rating -- To read more, CLICK HERE.
anyhow go out there and Pick One dammit...
track from
Dubdadda "Pick One"
(MP3, 192kbps)
Lo-Fi Pon De Hi-Fi
Universal Egg Records
Buy at iTunes Music Store
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Buy at eMusic
I went to City Hall to pick up an absentee ballot awhile back...
Still haven't finished it....
I originally decided it would be easier to take my time filling out the many choices ahead of time, mainly because I don't want to be held up by anyone in front of me come Nov 7th...
Now i'm waiting behind my own procrastinating indecisiveness....
ah, so many Rank Choices... So little time...
On my way to pick up my ballot, I had to walk across the Civic Center area, where apparently our civic life is often represented by homeless crackheads, illegal immigrant drug dealers, and the occasional weekly farmer's market...
Across the plaza where the United Nation's treaty was signed, as city hall came into view, I was met ironically with the fetid stink of a truck & many blue porta johns being emptied...
Dodging that cloud of pestilence, I came upon a group of Nation of Islam supporters, hands held in a chain, with a speaker on a platform praising Our Heavenly Father, next Minister Farrakhan & for some reason praying for Fidel Castro into the mic...
Across the way on the steps, was a smaller group of Asian Americans who were being drowned out, but apparently rallying for a school board candidate and the publisher of Asian Week newspaper who is campaigning to be re-elected to the board of that darn regional commuter rail system that refuses to operate itself past midnite (unless the bridge is closed).
I sauntered around the campaign rally & entered City Hall where I was quizzed by some oblivious and young latino security staffers stationed at the metal detectors about who all the protesters were...
They shrugged as they had heard of neither group... and likely weren't big Bob Dylan fans either...
and then I went down into the basement to pick up my absentee ballot, which is in three languages & five large oversized pages, plus two more pages of instructions... and of course a large envelope to contain everything in.
The best part was having the concept of ranked choice voting carefully explained to me by the bookish staffer. Because my district supervisor race isn't in play this year, the rank choice portion for me only applies to two citywide races. The two races that are eligible for this electoral procedure, the City Assessor-Recorder & Public Defender elections, are two that each have only one candidate... running unopposed... I guess no one wants these jobs, or even to come in second.
So the ballot requests you must make three ranked choices, each different from the last, although there is oddly only one name to choose from.
Conundrum for the Dumb?
go figger...
that's so SF in a nitwit nutshell...
We proudly & expensively present to you more complex choices than you can possibly make...
Meanwhile let's hope the real will of the real salt of the earth out there is in tune with how far we need to come in this country...
Florida Vote Fraud - African American Voting History
Sunnyland Slim - You Can't Have It All