Friday, November 21, 2008


SSome Days It's Tough To Remember All The Things We Have To Be Thankful For

I Guess I'll Be Thankful You stopped By... I Know I Haven't In A While...

Been Busy , But I am definitely too blessed to stay stressed...

My favorite crap activity last week was probably watching the actual collapse of the Attorney General in front of his admirers...

yeah I got a jolt of sick pleasure from it...

sort of like how Rummy and pals must have felt while watching their closed circuit satellite camera feed of the Abu Ghraib prison pyramids...

It was a remarkable media moment, one not gloated over or enjoyed enough... too quickly overlooked by the media...

Mukasey apparently can't even believe his own b.s and hopefully you saw it when he passed out mid-sentence, the other night...

It was in the middle of a speech to a bunch of lawyer creeps called "The Federalist Society",

It's a cabal of "conservative" legal minions bent on dismantling your legal rights that Dick Cheney refers to as "a model of thoughtful, reasoned dialogue" ...

Which really means: "hungry sadistic wolf sharks with no morals"

These are the master minds of mayhem who helped out Gonzales with his torture memos, and don't believe in the burdens of habeas corpus, or antitrust laws, laws protecting consumers or the environment, the civil rights act, meaningful worker health and safety regulations, and the likes...

During the speech they were getting liquored up and gnashing their teeth into some red meat while Mukasey blithered on. It was rote exercise in typical talking points, in which he was insisting that the DOJ under the Bush admin's run acted lawfully and "professionally"...

Soon, Mukasey smelled his own bull shit...

...and then, with the putrid stink from his lying breath driving his conscience mad, the conscience decided the only honorable thing to do would be to lose consciousness...

Mukasey has reasons to be revolted by his own role in so many of the most egregious examples of the Bush DOJ's disregard for things like Habeas Corpus, and the rule of law. Mukasey has endorsed numerous unconstitutional acts and in 2005 even had complaints from dozens of his court appointed bodyguards who said Mukasey made them do his personal errands like "carry groceries, luggage and golf clubs".

What a fucking asshole


here's a random "thanx for giving me what I didn't want" mix...

I know there were plenty days that the Ikettes weren't thankful for...but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for their sweet sounds...

The Ikettes - I'm So Thankful

How about wise old Ray Davies, he's probably thankful that when Chrissy Hynde used to kick his ass around the house, and when those muggers shot him a few years ago in New Orleans that he lived both times...

Ray Davies - Thanksgiving Day

and who can help but appreciate Sam & Dave

Sam & Dave - Thank You

This next song has the same name, but the track just ain't as good as the one above IMHO... but I am still thankful for the Cougar...

he's still an American wise ass after all these years... and now with his teenage kid playing guitar at some shows for golly sakes...

John Cougar Mellencamp - Thank You

here's a release worth being thankful for... if a bit hard to track down thanks to yer pals at the RIAA...

In case ya missed it Cassettes Won't Listen mashed up some pre-leaked G'n'R tracks from Chinese Democracy and added in some Ludacris vocals...

inane but what isn't these daze...

here's the first track

Ludacris Democracy - Move Bitch

This one is even dumber , or at least funnier, and comes up when you search Amazon for a link to buy Chinese Democracy...No Guns Just Rose


I gotta get on the road, headed south through the central valley and onto Los Angeles... here's a few more for the road...

So Looks like the price of gas went down a few bucks since I was last talking at ya hereI'm sure ex- San Francisco Cab driver Jim Campilongo is thanful for that.

You can hear Jim on this track tearing it up with Rochester NY's faith funkateers The Campbell Brothers...

The Campbell Brothers - Thank You Jesus

Let's go Japanese girl band for the rest of the post...

how about Shonen Knife and their Space Christmas?

Shonen Knife - Space Christmas

and one more "secular" track from the 5,6,7,8's

Today's Top Girl Groups, Vol. 1The 5, 6, 7, 8s
"Oh! Baby (We Got a Good Thing Going)" (mp3)
from "Today's Top Girl Groups, Vol. 1"
(Spinout Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
Stream from Rhapsody
Buy at Amazon MP3
More On This Album

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hey Man ... You A Voter?

I spent some time going to school and even in jail down in "real" Virginny.

I know the type of "Rural White Male Voter" that the Republicans & Democrats are trying to woo...

So at some point somebody suggested they get Ol' Ralph Stanley as an endorser of that elite dude named Barack Obama...

Ralph had previously backed Warner in his gubernatorial bid.

Now I don't know that the down state dag nabbit Joe Six Packs around Roanoke or most any Blue Ridge or North Carolina border areas are really that influenced by, or even familiar with Dr Ralph Stanley... but Barack Obama and his folks are happy to receive the good bluegrass doc's endorsement anyhow

Here's Ralph's radio ad for the Obama campaign...

Ralph Stanley - Obama Radio Ad

I saw Ralph play a few weekend's back, he was picking and grinning up a storm, playing alongside Laurie Lewis and letting his grandson handle most of the main vocal duties...

Here's a couple more tracks by him...

Ralph Stanley - Oh Death

Ralph Stanley - No School Bus In Heaven

In other election related musical moments, my pal and down right earnest musician Tom Heyman, a "real" musician if ya will...really wanted to get this politically relevent track out before all the "real" votes were left uncounted...

I suppose it could be subtitled "Iraq War Contractor's Beltway Blues"... but does lay out a sinister tale of modern malfeasance quite well... more atune to the Virgina that I know better... the unreal one in Fairfax County, or the hallowed halls of Falls Church.

Tom Heyman - Selling Sand

Consider this musical donation a an appetizer while we await Heyman's followup to his Deliver Me album, one that came out on the tiny imprint run by Nick Tangborn...

Here's a couple tracks from that excellent, if somewhat overlooked release from 2006.

Tom Heyman - Fool For You

Deliver MeTom Heyman
"Deliver me" (mp3)
from "Deliver Me"
(Jackpine Social Club)

Stream from Rhapsody
Buy at iTunes Music Store
Buy at eMusic
Buy at Amazon MP3
More On This Album

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Joe The Surreal Plumber Is More Important Than You...

Who is Joe The Plumber ?

Apparently he's a registered GOP voter who won't pay his taxes whose real name is actually Sam...

He blames America for destroying his American Dream...

He is a bald beefy white guy in Ohio...his name is actually Samuel J Wurzelbacher, and I'm guessing that means he doesn't likely hang out with many elite black guys, or any Harvard law school graduates... or even union plumbers in his hometown who say he isn't one of them.

But Joe/Sam likes attention

And he also wants to be rich, and somehow thinks Obama's hypothetical tax plan is the one thing stopping him... it's just sad.

Joe thinks if he has to pay 3% more in taxes on a small potential percentage of his income that's actually apt to go over $250,000 a year... well
it's gonna break his white balls...

The very thought of it is destroying his American Dream!!

He actually said so to that blowhard Cavuto on Fox!!

Now he plans to blow off his "buddy" McCain at an Ohio rally to appear on some Sunday TV chat shows.


John McCain made Joe the centerpiece of the debate last night...

It all started when earlier this week, Wurzelbacher got on camera at an Obama rally in Toledo.

Joe told the uppity candidate that he felt Obama's tax plan was gonna keep him down, that if he started making over $250 G's a year and Obama kicked up his taxes on dough above $250 G a few percentage points... life wouldn't be worth living anymore.

It's enough to make a big bad bald white guy whine like a little girl...

It makes me ask...

Why is Obama trying to keep the hard working white man down?

I mean really...

Poor old Joe The Plumber, if Obama wins, his joy of buying the plumbing business would evaporate like piss in the plumbers ass crack wind.

Joe normally would pay the 36% tax rate, if he paid his taxes, which would remain in effect, if he paid his taxes, but in the hypothetical event Joe makes more than $250 G he would hypothetically pay a new rate, but only on any amount above the $250k.

So if he made $290 hypothetical G's, he'd pay 3% more on the $40 grand he made above the $250 taxed at the base rate...

Note: that's way less than Joe would pay in Europe or Canada as a matter of a fact...

But the point is...

that's life...millions of us do it...

except ol ' Joe/Sam who feels he's above that...

Boo F-Ing White Man Hoo, Needs to Buy a HD Tv or something.. and that $300 extra dollars is killing him.

What is Joe's deal, is he the new Wesley Snipes?

Maybe it's because Joe The Plumber hates the US government, or maybe he doesn't support the war, or our Wall St bailout...

but assuming he makes another $40,000 a year over $250 at his old rate...

So his total burden would maybe be about $1200 new bucks in taxes over his old rate, as opposed to a more nominal $900...


big f-n whoop...

get over it... It's like $300 dollars!!!!!!

whatever Joe's hatred of paying his fair share
... I could give a shit

I just assume Joe The Plumber hates America...

or at least it's various

uh, "tax brackets".

Former Fat Boys I Ain't Gonna Pay My Taxes

Psycho Realm - Tax Evaders

He feels he should get to keep paying his old tax rate...

despite his pal George Bush running up the biggest deficit ever...

good for both of them and John McCain too...

I hope Joe The Plumber is pissed off...

I hope he cries in his corn flakes every morning that he was born in America

Maybe Joe can join with Bill Ayres and bomb bomb bomb the Pentagon...

I'm glad he's offended at the thought of paying into the big fed pool...

God forbid a small 3% percentage upgrade on his amount above $250 G than he already is supposed to pay gets into Obama's dirty hands...

Joe The Plumber Wurzelbacher (pronounced whur-zell-BAHK-er) told USA Today that hearing his tale during the debate was
"It's pretty surreal, man, my name being mentioned in a presidential campaign,"

As for McCain, according to Joe "He's got it right as far as I go."

Fuck them...

they're both losers

I gott say at this point I agree with McCain's ousted economic advisor who said a few months ago

They're Whiners

The country doesn't need 'em...

Obama already has it in the bag... he's yer new plumber... get used to it...

Klunko Plumbers Crack

Reactorzero -
Party In The Plumber Kingdom

Greg The Plumber -
Tips on Hiring a Plumber

Big Joe Turner - Call The Plumber

Erase Errata - Tax Dollar

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout Blues Ransom Note & Other Happy Rocktober Surprises

Yeah ...

It's been awhile since I blathered here and in the meantime you might have noticed things are getting mighty weird on Wall Street.

Construction is being done on a sidewalk in front of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008 in New York. Wall Street stumbled again Wednesday, with anxieties about the financial system still running high even after the government bailed out the insurer American International Group Inc.
Sorry, it wasn't my fault... I assure ya...

I'm talking about messy Wall Street credit crunch...

So supposedly it's a huge crisis, that affects us all ...but as I write no one is working on it today in DC because some 2% sliver of the US population is celebrating a" high" holiday...

go figger... Isn't it the middle of the week, a busy week, with shit to do?

Those "chosen" people running the show for $hizzle fo y'all, like Barney Frank and Beird-o Benjamin Bernanke just can't be bothered anymore this week I guess ...

Gots to talk to god, and get some kreplach for Christ $akes!

But those banking buddies sure wouldn't mind if you'd send them your money...

Neither would I...
I mean feel free to send me some extra money as well...

I won't threaten those Wall St Wizards...

Their pleas are like a blackmail / ransom note from the Street elite...

They demand America prop up their consumer con game, or they will cause an unspecified wave of additional terror to rip through our little out of the loop lives. Maybe steal your house with their house of cards...


They act like ca$h junkies, and just one more fix will steer them $traight... then they'll go to rehab. Then it will all trickle down to you too! Yay!

But no matter how much money they shoot up, it will never be enough... and we know it.

First this year they swallowed up a $29 billion chunk of gov't backed credit for their pals at Bear Stearns.

We also picked up the tab for AIG... lent the failed insurer about $85 billion a few weeks ago...

Also earlier in Sept they convinced their buddies at the Tresury to throw another $200 Million or so under the off kilter bus wheels of Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae... which had basically been allowed to die slowly.

Henry Paulson Jr could've paid that bill out of his pocket practically...but he and his blood thirsty pals waited until it drove a ton of other little banks underwith them.... Banks that had held Fannie & Freddie stocks, and had been allowed to keep them on the books as if they were cash.

The Gov't knew that many small community banks and investors were exposed to this "gov't backed" risk, yet allowed Fannie and Freddie to delve deeper & deeper into subprime lending.

Bush had created a mandate for an "ownership society" even if the loans were obviously unsupportable. They all lookerd the other way until it was too late and it all toppled. Then when it wiped out the holdings of these smaller community lending institutions, then we stepped in. It was exactly like Prez Bush described it the other day "A House Of Cards".

Except they were playing these cards for all they worth...with our money.


Buster Brown - Fannie Mae

Our regulators, who've been doing very little regulating prior to this point in the mess are now seizing banks, and handing them over for pennies on the dollar to their pals...
Big players like JP Morgan and B of A, along with Citigroup, are gorging during the bloody melee... eating wounded rivals like sharks let loose in a koi pond.

Citigroup, for ex. is flush with billions in United Arab Emirates sponsored cash it received last year when it was teetering, is spending approx $2 billion of that reserve to acquire a retail banking empire, holding some $400 Billion in consumer deposits held by Wachovia.

Not a bad deal for Citi, and one that was basically gifted to them by Gov't regulators and officials from the so-called Federal Reserve, which despite the name Federal in the title, by the way is not really a Gov't Agency... they just have mysterious unelected power over all the funny money stuff, go figger.


Citigroup pressured regulators to seize Wachovia... chomping off only the parts they wanted.

Kinda like using the Gov't power of eminent domain so they can get a better biz deal. 

Ironic considering a few years ago, the Federal Reserve had banned Citigroup from making any "significant acquisitions." The deal for Wachovia was arranged in part personally by one of Henry Paulson's top lieutenants Robert K. Steel, an insider vet of both Goldman Sachs & The Treasury.

It's a club people.... and you ain't invited.

Now, whether with undue Gov't Influence or not, this Big Banking Three of Bof A, Citi and JP Morgan will hold the real reigns of the banking industry... 

It's an unrivaled amount of consolidated power in consumer lending & deposits in the history of American finance.

HELLO! Consumer beware!

Oddly enough the Bolshevik Revolution has hit Washington & Wall Street... and it comes in five thousand dollar suits, riding black Lincoln town cars and negotiating for the nationalization of assets they want...

But still we can't have national health care, or free college educations because that would be socialism and not serve the right masters.

The banks that teeter and beg for Gov't help now, rarely paid taxes on the profits from "irrational exuberance", they specialized in moving money around, keeping it liquid, sheltered and untaxed. These are the players that used the banking shell games risking $30 of other people's money for every $1 in assets they actually had in reserve. Now they want taxpayer backing for their mistakes.

Doesn't anyody remember the 80's when scumbags like John McCain and Neil Bush were in league with Charles Keating and running us into a $500 Million S&L bailout?
Like any of us care anymore?

The average American town as a whole isn't even worth what some Financial scene player's summer home in the Hamptons is worth...

You could add up the net worth of all the individuals in a small town in Ohio and everyone's annual salary combined wouldn't equal that of one of these wizards of wall street, and CEO bastards...

Treasury Sec Henry Paulson was reportedly worth about $700 Million Dollars when he stepped down from Goldmine Sachs to overlord our precarious economy from his perch at the Treasury Dept...

Like there's no conflict of interest all...

Gee I wonder how these decisions he makes for his pals on our supposed behalf daily affect his personal net worth... no conflicts there.
Now like a feudal lord, he merely wants to be above the law, above the Constituition, and to never even have to report to anyone... ever.

His plan demands unequivical control and states that all his actions be:

"non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency."

Looks to me arrogant guys like him that drove this car here should be able to find their way out of the parking lot without a rescue party. 

In fact these fat cats could probably fund a lot of this bailout out of their own f*cking pockets. If these patriotic profiteers really wanted to be seen as true captains of the financial chicanery industry and just pooled their resources... we know they could manage it without our help.

Maybe they should have a telethon, and see who sends them the dough...

The Saudis? Europeans?  Japanese? Chinese? Who's left to sell America too?

Oh that's right, we are the only ones dumb enough to buy America these days.

Now it's Joe Sixpack who is supposed to worry.

First they downsize & outsource his jobs to Asia & elsewhere in the name of profits, now they want the rest of the money left in the country to prop up their sick sycophantic system...all it's wars and wanton ways.

The whole thing is like the Windows 98 computer I write this blog on.... REBOOT!!!!!

America has spoken... the little people say fuck em!


No executive should make more than 100x what the lowest paid worker at his company makes in my opinion.

You'd see the minimum wage go up in this country if that was the policy for sure!

Let thems that took the risks, eat the risks. The rest of us are already on the bottom, we've got very little room to go down as it is.

If you work an hourly wage job, it's kind of hard to give a shit about some credit debt swap "trader's" asnine problems created on unbelievable amounts of funny money...

In fact, we kinda like the idea of these slicksters sweating a little.

The rest of us are just trying to pay for dollar value meals and the transporatation costs of getting to work, just to make the $10 or $15 an hour or whatever pittance is left after they strip the taxes out that they are raping us with these days...

The Demo-publicans & Republi-crats in charge don't give a flying f*ck about the people that pay for the junkets, pork & wars & whatnot. It's all esoteric to them, just a popularity contest qhile they diddle away the mountains of taxes taken out of the paychecks in this country...

Corporate America always finds the loophole, the little get lives in the hole already.

We all have our own credit crunches lately too of course....

So I am also making it clear that as of today, I am also seeking any economic bailout package y'all wanna throw my way...

This one is strictly voluntary...

I'll settle for less than $700 Billion... and unlike ex-Goldmine Sachs employee and current Trestury Secretary Paulson's bailout request, I'm even willing to let the donors decide what I'm to do with some of the money...

This is serious, I'll pull the plug on this blog if y'all don't cough up...

So here's my paypal address link:

As a bonus, any economic stimulus paymanets larger than $20 while receive a rare DVD from my collection

You can choose between

A] the 1981 Concert Film URGH! A Music War

B] Some really rare Sly Stone videos including mostly unseeen footage from his personal media appearance archives

C] The Pogues live in London with Joe Strummer, Kirsty MacColl and the Specials horn section St Paddy's Day 1988

or a random surprise...

I'll send it Prioriiy Mail to ya...

any Q?'s
hit me back at lilmike @ eventmagic .com

People : Feel free` to send me your economic stimulus packages, and I'll do my damndest to keep this blog churning out info & tons of tuneage regularly

Tanya of Free Speech Radio Network - Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Bailout Blues

It's been a minute since I was blathering here... and I suppose I'll get back into the swing of it soon...

Here's a few trax for my faithful, or whomever the hundreds of funkers and freaks that still troll silently by here every week...

First I want to note that it's Rock-tober!

Happy Birthday to Albert Collins

On Oct 1st 1932, at the height of the depression, a baby boy named Albert Collins entered the world in Leona Texas. He kept on rocking until Thanksgiving Day 1993...

Here's a couple classics from this capo loving guitar legend, a player so cool that he was known as the Iceman...

Thumbnail Photo Of Albert Collins Cold Snap
The first track is a live one taken from a 1969 set at the legendary Fillmore Auditorium here in San Francisco.

Albert Collins - Thaw Out

Albert Collins - Frosty

Keep Cool During troubled times y'all


don't forget to bail my blog out ...

I don't need $700 Billion... but will take what ya got!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Star Spangled Blackhearts

Joan Jett is returning to the Marin County Fair tonight...

It's her second July 4th weekend appearance their since her first in 2006...

Here's a couple pics i took last time she was in the neighborhood...

how about Joan's bubblegum rock relic manager Kenny Laguna?

Kenny produced back in the day for Tony Orlando, Darlene Love, Bill Medley of the Righteous Bros. as well as The Lemon Pipers, and Ohio Express. By the mid 70's and stabs at the charts with David Essex and Edwin Starr his only real production success was a Dr. Demento show novelty hit by Little Roger & The Goosebumps called "Stairway To Gilligan's Island", that predates the popular mash up concept by about 25 years...

By the late 70's, with those bubblegum daze behind him, Laguna worked with Beserkely Records, producing Greg Kihn and Jonathan Richman.

Around this time he found a former Kim Fowley protege named Joan Jett , who was leaving the dysfunctional mess of The Runaways and the shadows of blonde lead vocalist Cherie Currie to start her own band.

After the Runaway ran from Kim Fowley, and hitched onto Laguna's sage advice train, Joan's career really took off in earnest.

With Lita Ford a retired housewife, she's the last Runaway standing...

At nearly 50, she has more onstage energy than slew of performers half her age, and has a legacy of hits and near misses that make her a true queen of the scene.

Whether playing for the troops at USO shows overseas, a Warped Tour crowd in Phoenix , a Biker Convention in Sturgis, or a Gay Parade gathering in San Jose, Joan has a huge and diverse audience.

Few performers have as wide a demographic pull at the boxoffice...

Her family friendly fair crowd will have fist pumping punks alongside patriotic bikers, service men & women, lesbian Moms, old rockers, construction workers, nerds, hipsters and grandmas and every conceivable combination thereof.

Earlier this spring Joan Jett and The Blackhearts added her latest Blackheart Records album Sinner, as well as her classics Bad Reputation & I Love Rock n Roll to the eMusic download queue.

It's nice to be able to legally shop for Joan Jett tunes online...

Like Joan Jett getting down with Eddie Cochran's Summertime Blues... a track from her Bad Reputation album...

This was one recorded at the old Media Sound studios in New York circa 1981 at the request of late Casablanca prez Neil Bogart...Joan Jett -

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - Summertime Blues

But aside from the easily found stuff, I'm also just as much, if not more, into her rarities...

For example

Here's a fierce one from an out of print Joan Jett & The Blackhearts 7" single from a decade ago...

Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - Hostility

This one was featured on the soundtrack to Tank Girl circa 1997...

Joan Jett & Paul Westerberg - Let's Do It

And here's one some thang you aren't likely to run across unless you have as bloated and outdated CD collection as I do...

In 1993, with Charles Koppelman still flush with music industry cash and running his SBK label, they somehow thought enticing David Letterman's sidekick Paul Shaffer into the studio was a wise move. Supposedly ol' Paul was ripe for a double CD set... of badly thought out cocktail lounge covers.

What was worse, was that this damnable double disc was chock full of cameo's from some actually relevant music industry mavens who should've known better.

I hope people were at least paid for embarrassing themselves like this... it's like a kid's record for clueless adults.

It was called "The World's Most Dangerous Party" and would no doubt be dangerous to almost any event you played this turgid turd through the speakers at.

Somehow, our fave rock n roll lovin' gal Joan Jett showed up in the credits alongside names like producer Todd Rundgren, and guests like Aaron Neville, Leonard Cohen, Bootsy Collins, and even Phil Spector.

Why Joan ended up being buried in the mix on a tepid lounge rock version of "Don't Bring Me Down" on disc 2, and wasn't paired with the half of L7 who were squandered on disc 1 joining in the shameless execution of a James Brown cover alongside Bill Murray & Mike Myers, I suppose that only Paul Shaffer & Todd Rundgren know.

If I ever get alone with either of them to ask, it may get ugly...

So I'll let ya hear a lil bit of it for yourself, and just be glad that I kept the rest of this travesty offline... before it brings us all down.

Joan Jett & Paul Shaffer's Party Boys Of Rock n Roll - Don't Bring Me Down

and just to keep it 4th of July related... here's Joan Jett singing another cover tune, this is an obscure one written by Francis Scott Key...

It's called the Star Spangled Banner...

Joan Jett - The Star Spangled Banner

and here's one that is particularly poignant for me...

Here's when Joan joined forces with The Gits who were reeling from the death of Mia Zapata and formed Evil Stig...

The group did a quick LP/CD

Evil Stig - Last To Know

Evil Stig - Spear & Magic Helmet

and then a US tour, I recall Kenny Laguna said he lost the tour advance money on Melrose...

It was complicated... It was a sad time for boys from Seattle...

go see the movie...

yeah, that's right... the movie...

Incidentally, in Evil Stig related news, The Gits have an actual film on their saga out now

( )

it has been under production for awhile and is finally screening nationally beginning this week!



If ya can't make one of the screenings, then order this sucker on DVD...

It's a film that's been in production for several years, has tons of unique footage unavailable elsewhere, including tons of interviews with folks like Joan Jett, Seven Year Bitch, Kathleen Hanna etc.

Heck, I think I even made the final cut...

Anyhow, it's worth seeing and supporting ...

The Gits Movie

and here's some tracks you should check out by a band well worth hearing

The Gits

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Fire Away - Set The Mood - First, Best, Last

It's been a weird, not very lazy...but downright hazy summer so far

in particular due to lung busting forest & brush fires ( about 1000 ) going throughout the state...

strange days indeed

i'm not in my groove...

even if I knew what that was

there is a smattering of tracks tucked in this post

look for em

as I'm too busy to point em out for y'all

here's the first one, something I've never listened too, and likely won't, but the title sounds appropo fo yo

Justin Timberlake - Summer Love / Set The Mood Prelude

A week or so back I passed through Pasadena on a hot summer day

In the 100+ degree heat, the streets were filled with music, for the Make Music Pasasdena event. Perfomers were stationed on multiple stages includingNortec Collective members Bostich + Fussible

(Bostich + Fussible are authors of this track called Shake It Up uh, that's an actual mp3 link " )

and more Bostich + Fussible tracks for download at Rhapsody

other bands plying their sonic shlep for free in the streets were
The Raveonettes ,


and the multi cultural melange of
Dengue Fever

Venus on EarthDengue Fever
"Tiger Phone Card" (mp3)
from "Venus on Earth"

bonus Dengue not so oldie

Download 2005's
Were Gonna (mp3)

from "Escape From Dragon House"

Download more Dengue Fever at iTunes Music Store
Stream from Rhapsody
Check Em Out at Amazon

More On The Album

I caught the The Little Ones in some alley

Little Ones - Tallies
Little Ones live in Pasadena

Make Music Pasadena

So while the somewhat verdant but browning rapidly hills of Pasadena were alive with noise...

I had to go get a beer at some brewpub ( seen here in this LA Weekly pic )because the town neglected to offer any refreshments alcoholic or otherwise within sight of the stages I visited...

The one or two "bars" I passed were actually closed on a Saturday afternoon...

I ended up in a swimming pool north of town in short order, headliners be damned...

Hours later I was back up north here in San Francisco, where it was downright cold...which was nice...

But the next day

I was up bright and early dealing with the logistics of helping set up a hippie rock concert featuring Janis Joplin's old backing band...

Big Brother & The Holding Company

Janis was a no show... go figger

(but some chick named Cathy Richardson did an admirable job)

Santana did show up, or I should say a Santana,
it was just the son of Carlos...

Salvador Santana...

This coming week here in SF, with all the hippies safely tucked back into their hacky sacks, I suppose I will look forward to seeing the release of the new album from The Parker Brothers...

First, Best, Last

That's like a heads up for fans of 70's syrupy pop

Lil Mike sez, hey maybe put down yer pet rock, and check it out...

First, Best, LastParker Brothers
"Your California" (mp3)
from "First, Best, Last"
(Middle Slot Records)

More On The album

psst bonus tracks

Parker Brothers - One Bad Apple

( yeah, I was disappointed too when I found out that one above wasn't an Osmonds cover, so here's one more)

Parker Brothers - She Got

I gotta go

Have a Bitchin Hot Summer...